Preparing for the pitter-patter of little feet can be such an exciting, heady time that it can be easy to overlook some of the more serious issues relating to this event. As soon as you start your family, financial planning for the future becomes even more essential. How will you finance childcare, medical bills, food, education, clothing, toys, and education savings? What will you need to spend money on and how much will each item cost? It’s important to take into consideration the ongoing costs associated with starting and raising a family. To get you started, here are some of the things you’ll need to factor into your financial planning:
- Doctor and hospital expenses
- Nursery furniture and clothing
- Baby supplies and equipment
- Formula
- Childcare
- Healthcare
- Toys and clothes
- Education costs
- Extra curricular activities (e.g., ballet classes, school camps, sporting events and activities)
- Doctor and medical expenses
- Increased insurance
Be certain you’re well prepared. Talk with us today about how best to prepare for a life-changing event such as the birth of a child.