The Tax Cut and Jobs Act was signed into law in December 2017. What does this mean for you? Join us on Thursday, March 15 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at our Hatfield location for our first Financial Literacy seminar of the year: Personal Wealth Opportunities under the New Tax Law. We’ll identify personal wealth opportunities and discuss some recommended tax savings strategies resulting from the new tax law that may benefit you. During this seminar, you’ll learn about:
- Tax law changes affecting 2018 returns
- Applying those changes as applicable for your benefit
- Long-term strategies moving forward
Richter Mobile Shredding will also be on-site for you to safely dispose of any old or unwanted documents. Plan on arriving a little early or staying after the seminar to participate in this shredding event.
If you cannot attend in person, we encourage you to join us for this seminar via GoToMeeting. All you need to do is click here shortly before 3:00 p.m. to join the meeting and follow the instructions to join us via your cell phone, tablet or computer. You may also join us via phone by dialing 312-757-3121. The access code is: 457-847-797.